I did not go to shopping (I like it :P) since I am in Norway so I did it today ;) Lígia is my shopping mate. I give her my man opinions and she give me her woman opinions and suggestions. Much more easy and the final result is less money spent and more cool stuffs.
While I was shopping, I received an invitation from "Big" Sara to eat a toast at "Bistro", a snack bar at Faro's beach. This is the entrance to the bridge we need to pass trough to get to the beach.
Lígia, Me, Edgar, "Big" Lígia and "Big" Sara. We call them big because there are 2 of each one and there is one smaller than the other ;) Ohhh... The toasts here are giant if we compare them with the normal ones. Sorry but I did nor remember to take a picture of the toast... but if you go to Faro's beach, you need to stop here!!
Last weekend, I invited some friends to dinner for tonight. Sousa, a friend of mine, Sandra, his girlfriend and Cristina, a friend and colleague from where I worked before I went to Norway. Just to try something new... I planed to do my speciality: Chicken carry with rice but Sandra did not like carry and I added another speciality... Pasta carbonara.

The girls with a little something I brang for them from Norway. Ohhh... Don't get ideas !! They are commited :P
After dinner, we finished the night with a movie... The Departed. A strange but good (If you like strange movies) movie with many and many turns.
1 comentário:
Va la que remediaxte com o jantarinhu e o "rudolfo"...pq xegar uma hora atrasado...aiaiaiai :P
Mas prontu deixo aki o meu testemunho em como es um gande "chef",e k o jantar xtava mt bom....:D
O filme é k foi memo,max memo xtranhu...e pior foi o k veio a seguir,o dos "bébés"...lolololol pelu menux deu pa rir um cadinhu...:D
beijokinhas com saudades
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