Como já devem ter percebido, acabei de programar a aplicação para a segunda experiência. Este é o aspecto do protótipo ;) Durante esta semana e após alguns testes, o aspecto poderá ser alterado sem aviso prévio :P
This application will run in background and is going to look for some combinations of keys such as those you can see on the application window. These combinations will be stored in a text file to be forwardly compared with the collected data from the previous experiment. The goal is to identify and authenticate the user who is typing on the keyboard. On the application window, you can see the number of times each key combination was pressed.
IMPORTANT: This application will not catch every keys you press but just some combinations of keys so it will not store personal or confidential data.
After you switch on your computer, you need to execute the application and let it running in background. After this, you can use your computer normally. The more data I get, better so you, participant, will have till the end of the month to use this application and send me the two created files on the end of the month.
IMPORTANT: You need to finish the application before you shut down your computer !!Para descontrair... ou não, nada melhor que um jogo de futebol da liga dos campeões, neste caso, o Liverpool - Barcelona em que o raio do barcelona levou um bailinho...
terça-feira, 6 de março de 2007
Dia 61 - Experiment 2
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